About me

  • Hi my name is Varun and I am in 11th grade and this is my page. My github repository is: Github!

Errors I got and fixes

  • 8/20/23: I fixed the code by typing a *#* on line 7 on Makefile so I can run *make* to run my local server.
  • *Make* didn't work because I accdently cloned the teacher repo to my student directory. To fix this: *ls teacher/* then *rm -rf teacher*. This removed the teacher repository
  • 8/23/23: When *run all* in linux_shell.ipnb fail due to gem *mdless not found* typing in the vs terminal * gem install mdless * fixed the issue

Overview of Hacks, Study and Tangibles

  • Plans, Lists, Scrum Boards help you to track key events, show progress and record time. Effort is a big part of your class grade. Show plans and time spent!
  • Hacks(Todo) enable you to stay in focus with key requirements of the class. Each Hack will produce Tangibles.
  • Tangibles or Tangible Artifacts are things you accumulate as a learner and coder.