What I learned


  • To easly organize your files in _posts , make a folder and drag and drop files. DO NOT drag and drop dimed files.

  • To open the teacher’s repo in Vs in Wsl, in Vscode:

    • go to files and open a new window

    • go to explorer, open files, and open teacher

    • open terminal in vs and type wsl, then code. This connects to remote and then open teacher in expolrer

Jupyter notebook

  • in powershell cd to _notebooks and then type juypter notebook to open juypter in a browser


  • th: table header

  • td: table data

  • tr: table row

  • img src=”image address” : to add image from google

Crypto price search using api endpoint with the help of Chat GPT

  • API: An application programming interface is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. code:
Crypto Price Search

Crypto Price Search

  • Crypto Price Search “ title using HTML

  • How ‘searchCryptoPrice; works:

    • gets inputed data and saves it under ‘symbol’ variable

    • ‘symbol’ gets appended into the base API url

    • ‘fetch’ makes a get requestion to API url ( in this case I am using https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets/)

    • The the input exits in coincap.io, it returns the price of the crypto, if not it returns an error