Things I learned during this trimester:
- how to use if else for code logic
- how to define and make a function
- how to use itteration in my code to make it more efficient
- how to make and use class
- how to make tables and other basic things with HTNL
- how to use DOM to edit HTML (passion project)
- how to use an api using javascript (fetch)
- how to use lists and dictonaries in python
- how to use outside resources to help me with concepts
- how to trobleshoot problems in code and fix them
- learned how to work as a team
Major Accomplishments:
- created a quiz in python and imporved on it significaly from the things that a learned during the class
- used some of the things I learned during the trimester to create a basic game on my own
- connected the front end to the back end and use the data from the api to populate a html table using dom
- Learned a lot from team teaches
- learned how to work as a team, contribute on ideas and improve on them
- learned how to effectly commit function code to shared repo
- used css and customize front end for passion project
Memories from this trimester:
- for the passion project we would get in zoom calls to work together is work on our projects and solvee problems together
- After I got a piece of code from Chat GPT, I use that logic is recreate the code from scratc and add my own parts to it, and it actually worked
- I remeber spending hours upon hours during the installation process trying to set it up correctly. In the end I had to create 5 differnt repos.
In the future, I intend to learn about javascript and api more in dept. I also intend to learn about backend, and how to create apis, deployment, aws, and creating databases in the ubuntu server.