On this test, I understood so much more compared to last time. I felt like it did the faster than last time becuase the question were more consuptiol than last test so I didn’t spend that much time in calculations. I also answer a majority of question by not reading the question and answers completly. It worked most of the time, BUT I did misread some question, especially on coding problems. But I had to ruch and quess on some question because of the time constrants and I was loosing some focus. But overall I felt better on this test than the last two.


Question 17

  • For this question, I misread/didn’t understand the question. I though that if point A,d,e where disconneted, then B wouldn’t be able to connect to C. But I was supposed to connections, not points, so the correct answer would be B-A, B-D, B-E, and B-G. So the answer is b

Question 25:

  • For this question, I couldn’t comprehent it and overall didn’t understand the answer choices. n is the max value of itteration so the program calculates additon from 1 which is the initial value of result(variable) until the limit of itteration which is n. So the addition can be possible for intigerst between 1 and n.

    Question 43:

  • The reason I got this wrong was the I didn’t spend enough time in reading each quesiton. I skimmed option c and believed it said the unsecure website logs what people types, instead of a 3rd party person interseption the information. Option A is correct because it actually states the program captures all user input.

    Question 55:

  • In this question I read too fast and didn’t answer the correct question. For this I belived that you were supposted to reverse the list. But instead, you were supposed to just replace the last term and place it infront. The option I chose whould have answered the question I imagined IF it was itteration. But option c would have correctly deleted the last term and inserted into the first term.

    Question 69:

  • For this question, I was rushing and just wanted to finish the question before leaving school. For this reason, I just randomly guess the answer. The correct answer is A and D. This is because option a and d answers the metadata( time, data, and location)

    Question I was confused/guess due to time:

  • This was the last question and I was lucky since I chose the same answer options for the past 3 questions. Revisting now I uderstand how to answer this questin. Option A is : “best” –> “be” “s” “t” where s is remove then “be” +”t” = “bet” Option C is : is the same process as a, BUT instead of using variables in concat, it directly does the substring calculation in the concat.

Question 68

  • For this question, I guessed it because I was running out of time. Form looking at it now, now I understand what to do. For this quesiton, in option a, the code results in 10,20,10 and 10 is repeated becuase 10 shows up in the begining of the list and at the end. In option c, the code will result in [30, 50, 40, 10, 20, 40] which contains a repeate of 40. This is because there is no repeate numbers adjacent to each other causing the code to not reconize the repeated numbers.