What I learned this week

Algorithms -3.3 & 3.4

  • It is a step by step procedures or set of rules used to solve problems or perform tasks (aka, sequencing)
  • Iteration: Repetition;loop
  • Fibonacci: A fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It commonly starts with 0 and 1, and the sequence continues infinitely. the first few numbers in the finacci sequence are : 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34
  • Factorial: 5! = 54321 = 120 len(str) countes the number of characters in a string; also works for lists
  • Substring example string = “Hello, world!” Substring - string[2:10] print(substring) result: llo, wor

Booleans If

  • True or False
  • NOT condition: flips what is currently stored in the variable without impacting the variable/condition itself -eg.
      israining --> true
      x --> not israining
      x --> false
  • AND condition: checks both conditions to produce one single Boolean true or false
  • OR condition: checks whether or not one of the conditions is true or false