What I learned this week

Developing Algorithms

  • a set of instructions for solving a specific problem or performing a particular task.
  • Automate and simplify repetitive code
  • More efficient functions
  • if, elsif, else

    Using algorithms to organize lists

  • SELECTION SORT: Splits list into sorted & unsorted, takes the greatest or smallest value and puts it into sorted section, repeat
  • INSERTION SORT: Splits list into sorted & unsorted, takes any value from list, inserts into correct position on sorted section, repeat

    3.10-3.11 Lists and Searches

Basic Operations

  • Defining the List aList= [1,4,2,6,7,3,]
  • Accessing Elements in a list print(aList[1])
  • Storing Element at an Index to a variable Element = aList[3] print(Element)

  • Setting an Element at an Index to a variable element = 4 aList[5]= element print(aList[5])

  • Insert a value at a certain index aList.insert(3, 10) print(aList[3])

  • Adding another value to the list (append) aList.append(5) print(aList)

  • Removing a value from the List at a specific Index aList.remove(2) print(aList)

  • Accessing the Length of a list print(len(aList))

  • index: organizing the data by assigning a reference value to each element
  • Put the number is order either ascending or descending
  • Search starts with middle number first which is found by adding the highest and lowest index number and dividing it by 2
  • This divides the range by 2
  • Repeat this process by shrinking the range each time till the desired target is found
  • Every time the process is repeated and leads to a target it is considered a comparison
  • Each element in a list is examined in the order of the first element till the desired target
  • Order doesn’t matter