Got 52/67


During the test, I felt that I was unsure mostly about this tri’s topics. Some of these problems included question 50, 4, 9, snd 13. Also there were some terms in the quiz that were confusing. I often misinterpreted these question causing me to get them wrong, even though I know the answers. So some things I plan to do over break is to work on redoing the different team teaches, and actually watching the collage board videos too. By doing this I feel like I would get a better understanding on how to answers these questions. Another thing that I noticed during the quiz was that I spend way too much time one some problems and then next time I take a test, I should reserve some time to do it instead of leaving and doing it again. By doing this I would get a more accurate score. For the algorithm problems that I missed, I think with more coding and spending more time to simulate the sinerarious would help me get the question right


Question #6

  • For this problem, I failed to read program 1 correctly. When I simulated this code, after the 1st itterating, I moved forvard again causing me to believe that program 1 was wrong. But after the test, when I tried to do this problem again, I relised my mistake. Innitially my answer for this question was “Program 2 correctly moves the robot to the grey square, but program 1 does not.”, but after doing it again I got the correct answer of, “Both program I and program II correctly move the robot to the gray square.”

Question #8

  • For this problem, I was confused wether “Consulting potential users of the program to identify their concers” was correct because that option isn’t always possible. But now I understand that it is correct, therfore, all the options are correct.

Question #10

  • The option that I chose (d) doesn’t calculate the price of Guided Tour costs. But in line 4-7 for option (b), the code looks if the person has a guided tour and correctly calculates the price

Question #13

  • For this problem, the libarary system doesn’t have the information about book that weren’t borrowed. This means the system would never know the total number of books that were never borrowed in a gien year.

Question #15

  • When you run both code, the resulting output would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. In the first code, since it prints i in the begening, the initial value would be 1 and the last value would be 10. In the second code, it add 1 to i before printing, therfore the first value for i would be 1 and the last value for i would be 10.

Question #26

  • Metadata is about data so options a,b,c are incorrect because it is data about the picture. But option D is correct because metadata usally contain a copy of the data about itself

Question #34

  • In this code segment, the first call to BotMover moves the robot forward one square, rotates it right one time so that it faces right, and moves it forward one square. The second call to BotMover moves the robot forward one square, rotates it right 3 times so that it faces toward the top of the grid, then moves it forward one square. The third call to BotMover moves the robot forward one square, does not rotate it, then moves it forward to the gray square.

Question #35

  • For this question, I didn’t understand the term, “greater of its two interger parameter”. After searching it up, that term means greatest number. With this knoledge, my second answer is b, which is correct.

Question #49

  • I made mathematical error on this problem. I choose (a) but the correct answer is (c) because 2^7 is 128 which is just greater than 100. This way all the staff memebers can be represnted with the least amount of bits.

Question #50

  • For this quetion I had a wrong assumption about the defination for “reasonable time”. According the College Board, it “ must take a number of stps less than or equal to a polynomial function”. With this definition, 1 would work since 2 < n and option 2 would work since n = n. So D is correct

Question #54

  • For this, I forget it was “append” not “insert”. So the answer is (c)

Question #56

  • Version 1 calles GetPrediction 4 times. Version 2 calles GetPrediction 9 times. Therefore version II requires approximately 5 more minutes to execute than version I. So the answer is (d)

Question #58

  • For this fore hte answer that I chose, the program gives an correct output of false. But the correct answerr(c) makes it so that the program gives an incorrect answer. This is because in the else statement part, the program returns false, and this is incorrect becuase there are 2 of the same parameter.

Question #59

  • There is no guarantee that the orginal devs will continue support for its users. I didn’t know this and I also thought that customizing open source code software would be hard/rare. SO the answer is (c)

Question 66

  • For line 9, Every integer from start to end should be checked, so currentNum should only be incremented inside the loop but outside the body of the IF statement. So the answer is a and c