Varun Per2

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet  0.93  Mr. Mortensen Watched college board videos   My team’s team teach :
Routing and Computing  1  Dante    Google form
Beneficial and Harmful Effects  0.92 Sharon    Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Digital Divide 0.96  Alisha  Read stanford article and collage board   Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Computing Bias 0.92  Lakshanya  researched to complete homework  Google forms + Utterance summary + hacks:
Crowdsourcing  0.9 Nitin  researched about public dataset because I didn’t understand it   Google forms +Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9   Tanuj Used Ai for more info about the topic and research about the MIT licence   Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Safe Computing  0.92 Kayden     Google forms +
CB Quiz   (52/67)1.82 Mr. Mortensen    Reviewed team teaches about the questions I got wrong  reflection + test correction:
  Undecided problems 0.91   Justin I researched about the topic more on khan academy and youtube and College Board video   Google forms +
Totals Median Score:0.92 Number complete: 10.10 Extra effort count: 7/10 Key tangible assets count:10/10