- prompts user to search for stock by sectors
- redirects to page with stocks with options to buy
- gets user input
- calls model to get sorted stocks
- model code to clean csv file sector data to numeric values
- returns a list of tuple contain stock symbol and clean numeric value
- code for a variation of bucket sorting
- appends a empty list for every unique sector to a list callled :initialbucket
- iterations through list return for cleaning
- access cleaned number for list element
- appends element to specific list(bucket) in initialbucket based on cleaned number
- returns initialbucket
- code that is called in api
- cleans json response based on same format as csv
- calls sorts function to get initialbucket
- creates sortdata by calling bucket with corresponding cleaned number
- uses bubble sorting to sort stocks symbols alphabetically
- inefficient, but small tuples list size therefore reasonable usage
- outer loop:
- n-1 loops because each pass through the list places the next largest unsorted element in its correct position.
- The outer loop controls the number of passes
- Inner loop:
- handles actual comparison
- compares two elements and swaps if necessary: compares ascii values of strings
- range(0, n - i - 1): ensures that the loop does not run past the last unsorted element
- swapped flag:
- used to optimize sorting
- stops the outer loop if no passes are made in a single pass
- sortdata sent to class sortdisplay and is itterated through
- gets symbol by checking 0 index of element
- searching db for stock to get info and appends to list called returnlist
- each element of returnlist is read and appended to newlist
- new list is sent to frontend